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Unknown Friend Fantasy Story Book Part 2 | Blood on Earth Story

Strange Friend Fantasy Story Book
Zagan was sitting in the area in front of the parking lot. Parking is on the ground floor of the building, and the weather is cloudy. He's dressed in ripped black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a jacket. His face is totally expressionless.
"What exactly am I? I have no recollection of what happened to me as a child, but when people show sympathy for me, I feel like sometimes bad things happen to me. What was that?" Zagan thinking in his mind.
Kevin walks toward the entrance of the building and sees Zagan.
" This boy, what is he doing here. I don't, and I'm a little scared." Kevin thought.
Zagan looks toward him when he heads toward the entrance.
ZAGAN. Who is his boy? I feel like I know him?
Zagan suddenly stands up and chases after him, stopping him. He talked to him with a very cool and sweet voice.
ZAGAN. Excuse me, boy, did I know you?
Kevin looked toward him with shocked eyes.
KEVIN. What exactly are you trying to say? Are you zagan?
Zagan is a little shorter than Kevin.
He looked down to the floor, then quickly lifted his face and tightly gripped Kevin's chin and jaw with his right hand.
ZAGAN. Do you think you can escape?
"What happened to him? He switched from sweet to killer like behavior," Kevin thought.
Zagan stared at him. And Kevin is taken aback—what happened?
ZAGAN. It looks like I scare you, boy. (He gives him a mysterious smile and laugh.)
ZAGAN. Better luck next time when we meet.
Zagan’s facial expression changed to normal.
ZAGAN. brother You haven’t answered the question, Did I know you felt like I had memory loss.
KEVIN. I don’t think we know each other. Sorry, I am leaving.
Kevin walked forward, and Zagan stood there and looked toward him leaving.
ZAGAN. What happened to him I only have one question; you're a little crazy.
Kevin is walking in the hallway and thinking about Zagan.
KEVIN. What happened to this kid? He was crazy.
Kevin stands in front of the door.
"Should I knock or not?" Kevin thought.
Alfie looks at the clock again and goes toward the door. When he opens it, he sees Kevin.
ALFIE. You. What the hell? Why did you come here?
KEVIN. Ah, there is no specific thing I want to talk about, so you know, Zagan.
Alfie took a deep breath, extended his hand, and drew him inside the room before closing the door.
ALFIE. Why do you want to bully him again?
KEVIN. You act like you don’t know each other.
ALFIE. What are you saying? Evil and good can’t be friends. I am sweet, but not that much. Did you forget you were the one who wanted to be with Kayden? You ruin our friendship just because of that boy. After meeting him, you started bullying other students, and you went down that path because he let you do that to other students.
KEVIN. I don’t know what happened to me that time.
ALFIE. People say that friendship with bad people makes the person bad. Is that true?
KEVIN. I don’t know now, and I don’t want to bully anyone now. There's a new boy in the group, and I'd like to learn more about him.
ALFIE. So what? Why did you come here?
KEVIN. Why are you so enraged?
ALFIE. So you were the one who slapped her?
KEVIN. That girl was trying to save his friend, who died in a car accident.
On the outside of the room, Kayden is standing in front of the door and hearing everything.
ALFIE. Just tell me what happened to her.
Alfie grabbed his collar tightly with his hand.
Kevin looked Alfie in the eyes and saw a tear in his eye.
"What is he crying about?" Was she his sister? Why have I done this?
I feel terrible for him; what happened to our friendship?
ALFIE. I ask something from you.
KEVIN. I slapped her and Kayden, who had a lighter in his hand.
ALFIE. How many boys were there?
KEVIN. No, just me and Kayden.
Outside the door
" Kevin, you tell every single thing to him. Why are you so stupid?" Kayden thought in his mind.
ALFIE. Do you know the pain? I can’t do anything for my sister, and I just see her in pain. Do you think you can end this feeling of guilt in me?
Kevin placed his palm on the hand of Alfie, with which he grabbed his collar.
KEVIN. I can’t change the past, but can you make me your friend? You can save me from evil.
ALFIE. Not until Zagan forgives you? Or maybe there is no way that I can forgive you. Now just get out?
KEVIN. I don’t want to see you crying.
ALFIE. You are the one who brought me here.In that whole the classmates mostly to me that I they have never see this type of friendship before but you. You end everything.
"ooo I think they are coming," Kayden thought. He ran away rapidly.
Kevin has come out of the room. He walked toward the exit.
Zagan is sitting on his bed.
" I feel like I am not interested in anything why" Zagan said.
Suddenly, he noticed a boy dressed as him and wearing a black party eyes mask and have reddish brown hair. He is wearing a ripped jeans, white shirt and jacket like him.
ZAGAN. Who are you? You look exactly like me.
BOY. I am Henry.
ZAGAN. henry I don’t know you. I feel like I have memory loss.
HENRY. Maybe, maybe not. So tell me you don’t know who I am?
ZAGAN. No, I have no idea who you are.
HENRY. Hear, I am your secondary personality am i? i don't know.
Zagan is just staring into his eyes.
ZAGAN. But how can I have a second personality?
HENRY. Don’t be a child why you need explanations for everything.
Henry bends. Henry held Zagan's face between both hands, his palm touching his jawline.
HENRY. Do you know boy we are two different personality but we are living in this same body. (Henry smiles) Why do you look so scared? Do you wonder if that is why I am gentle with you? This is just because you are part of me and on the other side of me.
Zagan's eyes are wide open.
ZAGAN. What is happening?
He freed him and stood straight.
Zagan was sitting on the bed, but he tried to touch this boy, but he fell forward. He looked toward the boy.
HENRY. You can’t touch me, boy, because I am just a hallucination of yours, or maybe your dream. Anything and everything is possible.
Zagan’s mom came to the room and saw him sitting on the floor.
MOM. Zagan, why are you sitting on the floor?
Mom helped him get up by holding his hands.
MOM. Sit on the bed.
ZAGAN. Mom, why are you gentle?
Zagan looks toward his mom.
"What should I tell you? You are actually suffering from that disease, and patients should be treated nicely," mom thought.
MOM. just because you are my only child.
ZAGAN. Mom, tell me why I don’t have any siblings.
"You have a sibling Zagan but you’re not in condition to hear this," Mom thought in his mind.
ZAGAN. Mom, why are you quiet?
MOM. I will tell you some other day.
Mother pats his head and walks out of the room.
Mom and father are sitting on the sofa.
MOM. What would happen if the situation worsened?
FATHER. You mean his disease, DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). We can't do anything because the doctor stated that there is no cure for this disease and that the person must accept himself. And learn to control his behavior. Most people will carry this disease for the rest of their lives.
MOM. This feels hopeless.
Zagan is present in the room and has overheard his father's words.
ZAGAN. Am I really a patient?
Henry is sitting on his bed beside him.
HENRY. Don’t accept this if you don’t like it.
The next day, Zagan is sitting on the bench with Alfie.
ALFIE. Hey Zagan, you are mostly quiet. Why are you so quiet? It feels like you’re having deep thoughts.
ZAGAN. Well, I am not quiet, but most of the time I didn’t find anything to talk about, so maybe I was quiet.
Alfie put a hand on his shoulder.
ALFIE. See Zagan Stop being too innocent; the world is cruel and rotten, so you have to be strong. If you can’t behave like this, just make your appearance like this.
"oo I am Henry. You are talking about me. I am already like this, but you can’t see me. I wish I would have the chance to meet you," Zagan hear a voice in his mind.
ZAGAN. yeah you are right. Well I want to ask you something?
ALFIE. Sure, go ahead and do it.
ZAGAN. What do you think is a lesson everyone should know?
Alfie became little shock because first time zagan ask this type of question.
ALFIE. Well I really don’t know if my opinion feels right to you or not, but I will tell you. Sometimes we have to recognise by ourselves what is right and what is wrong? It is not always the case that what others say is correct. Humans have two decision-making abilities: the mind and the heart, which are mostly antagonistic to each other.We can’t tell which one is right and which one is wrong.
ZAGAN. This is the most important lesson.I wanted people to hear this.
"What is he thinking?" Alfie thought.
Zagan smiles.
" I saw him smiling for the first time; his smile looked so real. It’s good if he lives happily after that accident," Alfie thought.
ALFIE. Let's go; we should eat something.
Kevin is sitting on the bench inside a modern housing society. Society consists of lots of eight-story buildings. Kevin is sitting, and beside him there is grass and flowers in this little garden. Kayden comes in front of Kevin. Kevin, look at him. His jacket and his hair blow when a small wind touches his hair. He walk toward him.
KAYDEN. What happen to you? You still remember that boy?
KEVIN. Who are you talking about?
Kayden takes a deep breath and looks toward the other side, then again look toward him.
KAYDEN. Don’t act like you don’t know anything.
KEVIN. Zagan and Alfie are two boys I meet. From both of them, who are you talking about?
KAYDEN. So you also met Zagan yesterday. I wonder what his condition is right now. I am talking about Alfie.
KEVIN. Zagan was too strange; he abruptly changed his expression to that of a murderer. Feel like he was switching.
KAYDEN. Forget this. What did you tell Alfie about that girl.
KEVIN. I tell him that boy died.
KAYDEN. Did you know that giving money can help to solve problems?
KEVIN. Forget other things, tell me first where these boys come from?
"All of a sudden, why is he asking this type of question. I will reveal the reality later; just wait for it," Kayden thought.
KEVIN. Tell me. In the end, you're the one who shatters our friendship.
KAYDEN. Are you crazy? You chose between him and me.
KEVIN. I will never choose you again. Why don’t you just get out of my life?
KAYDEN. Are you serious—now that you're leaving us, we'll all commit sin together?
KEVIN. I am not running away; I want to change now.
KAYDEN. Okay. Even if you say this to me, I will not leave completely.
Kevin stands up and walks away.
Kevin takes a deep breath.
KEVIN. Seriously, is there no one left? I want to know what happened to Zagan. I don’t know why I worried about him.
Kevin took out his phone and dialled Henry's number. Zagan looks at his mobile, and there is a call from Kevin.
ZAGAN. Do you know him, Henry? HENRY. Yes, he is my new friend; he may or may not be.
All the words are coming from Zagan's mouth. First, one of his personalities asks a question, and the second responds.
ZAGAN. Okay. Henry picks the call. HENRY. Hello.
KEVIN. Where are you? I want you to come to that hotel, which is on the top of the mountain?
HENRY. You talk about that hotel, which is near your society.
KEVIN. Wait, do you know where I live?
HENRY. I know everything.
KEVIN. Ok, come. I will wait for you.
He is sitting in the restaurant and looking toward the view of the whole city. Zagan appears, stands in front of the restaurant's entrance, and puts on his mask. No one else is there.
HENRY. Wow, here I am again.
Henry walks toward him and then sits on the chair.
HENRY. It's 4:00 p.m.; tell me what you'd like to discuss.So now you trust me. You didn't look good going into the house of ills.
KEVIN. I want to tell you the truth, and I also want to ask you something.
HENRY. Go ahead, tell me what you want from me.
KEVIN. That boy group is actually Kayden’s group. I don’t know even a single boy from them, and I don’t know their background.
HENRY. Ooh, so what? You guys really didn’t accept me as your friend, so why are you telling me this. And what else do you want to talk about.
KEVIN. Well, I don’t want to be with that group anymore. I have lost my friend due to Kayden. Now I realise that I was wrong. The other thing I want to ask you is, do you know Zagan?
HENRY. I used to think you and the rest of the group were trash, but now you're acting like this. (Henry gives teeth smile) and zagan.
KEVIN. Yes, you know about him.
Henry sees the vision in his mind. Two boys, one wearing a mask and the other with a different personality, are watching each other. "Zagan is asking about you, but hear I will protect you," the mask boy said to the other boy, who replied, "Well, I don't really remember what happened before." Mask boy said " I remember what happened to you?"
KEVIN. Henry What are you thinking.
HENRY. O yes. Why are you asking about that boy? Hear I will never let you guys to bully hi again.
KEVIN. Are you related to him in any way? Are you his brother, friend, or anything else?
"Quiet boy, I'm Henry, but I'm also Zagan; what's going on? I don't know what to say to him," Henry thought (said in his head). HENRY. I just know his name, and I just know you bully him. Your trash.
KEVIN. Yes, you can say I am trash, but now I want to change. Can you make me your friend?
Henry looked at him with a shocked face.
"What he wants now I'm not sure whether to say yes or no. I will never let him bully my other personality," Henry thought (said in his mind).
HENRY. Okay, we are friends now.
Kevin and Henry shake hands.
Kayden is talking to a girl on the phone.
CALL. This month's contract is about to expire. If you do not renew this, our member will no longer work for you.
KAYDEN. They are not really doing anything. If I said them to walk with me and my friends I am also paying them for this. They are just paid actors.
GIRL. This is your choice which you want them to do.
GIRL. Tell me one more thing. This is a personal question. Are you a bully?
KAYDEN. Why do you want me to bully someone for you?
GIRL. What are you saying? This is just a question for you.
KAYDEN. This is none of your business.
Kayden is standing on the footpath beside the road near the seashore, looking toward Mobile. Kayden turns his gaze to the rippling water waves. Water waves swash and roll into each other’s.
Kayden turned to the right, where he saw Henry standing. Henry walked toward him. Then stop in front of him.
KAYDEN. What are you doing here?
HENRY. So they are just paid actors. Wow. What are you talking about?
KAYDEN. Kevin doesn't like you, so I don't see why I shouldn't tell you the truth.
HENRY. What kind of reality are you referring to?
KAYDEN. Leave all the things. Firstly, can you tell me who you really are?
Henry looks here and there for a second, then give him a little smile.
KAYDEN. Kevin doesn’t know what I did. I bully every single boy who is now in the group, and after some years I have made them work for this agency; now I buy them with this contact.
"Why? He acts like the devil; this was a long plan," Henry thought.
HENRY. Why do they remain silent after being thrashed by a devil like you?
KAYDEN. Do you think I slap every single boy? (Smiles). No, my dear, but their house condition and this hard life situation make them accept money from me. I paid them, and they helped me bully other students. But after this group, I don’t want to increase the number of agency members (persons who work for this agency).
HENRY. You are saying that they are from that agency. So what happens to you if you harm their members?
KAYDEN. They will kill me if I harm their members.
HENRY. Didn’t you think about yourself? What will happen if someone harms them just because they want revenge from you.
KAYDEN. What are you talking about? Nothing will happen to them.
HENRY. Time will tell you what you have done better. You force them to work for that agency. Now that the agency has full responsibility, what will they do with the person who puts their members in danger?
Kayden's eyes are wide open; he is shocked to hear this.
KAYDEN. Shut up I don’t want to hear anything.
Kayden walks forward. Kayden, call that lady.
A girl in glasses (eyesight glasses) with black hair and red lipstick wearing a black formal suit is standing in the room at the front table and chair. This is the office of the manager of that rental agency. Girl, look at the phone. Kayden is calling her.
GIRL. Hello and welcome, Kayden
KAYDEN. Can you tell me what the original contract of mine with this agency was?
GIRL. I will repeat it one more time. That huge contract says that you will provide us members, so we give you a discount, and this is agency responsibility, and if something happens to them, you will be responsible for it. Our agency is gentle with its members.
KAYDEN. Why didn't you tell me earlier?
GIRL. We gave you the entire document, and it was your fault if you didn't read it carefully before signing it; you weren't a child; you were 23 when you signed it, and you're now 25.
KAYDEN. What happens to me if something happens to them?
GIRL. There is no guarantee of anything. You bullied them first, then became friends with them, and after years of friendship, you offered jobs to this agency because they were desperate and didn't refuse. What you tell others is your choice; this is the reality I know. You think you can buy anything with your money.
KAYDEN. Who told you to talk to your customers like this? What if I rented seven boys from this agency and they were the same boys I bullied?
GIRL. You are the one who bullied the kids of poor families, and you wanted them to work for you, and we cannot call this work. You want them to act heartless. You wanted them to act like they were your friends, but in the reality they are not. You want to control this world with your power and money.
KAYDEN. Who are you?
GIRL. If something happens to our member, then you and I will encounter each other. Pray for yourself for that day when you encounter me.
KAYDEN. Hey! What do you want? I can give you money.
The girl laughed lightly and cut the call. Rowen enters the room.
ROWEN. What did he say, Ava?
AVA. He is trash.
ROWEN. I don't know what to say; in front of the world, we are bully boys, but in reality, we are paid to be that way.
AVA. Did he also pay you when you were in college?
ROWEN. Yeah. He is the kind of boy who wants to control most things. They do bad things with Zagan. They didn’t add Andy because he didn’t agree with them. They are actually some boys who enjoy this while acting.
AVA. Who are they?
AVA. Okay, I have one more question.
ROWEN. They are Jimmy, Jack, Allen, and Aden. Go ahead and ask what you want to.
AVA. So that boy was your brother. You ran toward him when he was taking his last breath. That was a car accident.
Rowen is experiencing flashbacks.
Rowen rushes toward his brother, who has been hit by a car and is bleeding on the road. His brother was 11 years old. Rowen sits in front of him in a kneeling position and looks toward him with his frightful eyes. He was gasping and tightening in his chest from breathlessness. He held his brother with his trembling hands. Blood was flowing further and further.
ROWEN. Well, look at me; are you conscious.
A car driver arrives quickly.
DRIVER. We should take him to the hospital. Quickly.)
AVA. What are you thinking? I asked something?
Rowen made eye contact with her, then immediately looked away.
AVA. Tell me, did that boy survive.
Ava nodded her head as she said OK.
Zagan is standing on the building's roof, taking in the entire view of the society in which he lives. He's standing in front of the roof grill.
He heard a voice. " Don’t you think this is the best time to take revenge?"
Zagan, look on the right side; there is a boy in black tomboy type clothing wearing a party eye mask walking toward him, and that boy is Henry.
ZAGAN. Who are you?
HENRY. Did you forget I'm your alternate personality? I am just your hallucination, dear. I am not even real.
ZAGAN. What are you saying? This can’t be real. I didn't think I am afflict with this disease.
HENRY. Do you think I don’t know anything.
ZAGAN. What do you mean?
HENRY. Who knows only I know that Kayden and Kevin not only kill your dog best friend, but they often bully you. They are your seniors. Bad seniors.
Zagan looked toward him with fear in his eyes.
HENRY. Don’t be afraid, boy, I will protect you.
Henry wore black, half-fingered gloves and held his face with both hands.
Zagan started gasping. Zagan’s mom comes.
MOM. Zagan
Zagan looks toward his mother.
HENRY. Look, dear, if you can’t let me do the things of my choice, then I will overtake this body, and most of the day only Henry will wake up, and Zagan will rest in one corner of this body’s heart.
Henry pats his cheeks.
HENRY. I love you. (smiles)
MOM. Why are you not answering?
Mom walks toward him and holds his hand.
MOM. Ok, now let’s leave.
While leaving, he is looking behind him toward Henry.
Henry is smiling and waving a hand. Then disappears.
Alfie and Zagan are eating in a restaurant and sit in front of each other.
ZAGAN. ahh Alfie I want to ask something from you.
Alfie smiled at him.
ZAGAN. Did you ever meet a boy who was always wearing a party eye mask? Maybe his name is henry.
"Is he asking for the same boy that Kevin is?" Alfie thought


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Check the Link for Next part: Unknown Friend Fantasy Story Book Part 3

Blood on Earth Fantasy Story Book Other related tags are following:
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